Zaproszeni Prelegenci

Imię Nazwisko Afiliacja Abstrakt
Marcel Ausloos University of Leicester Non stationarity of high order return
distribution moments and the Irrational Fractional
Brownian Motion modelling
Dariusz Grech University of Wrocław Identification of the base currency in analysis of complexity on Forex market.
Magdalena Wojcieszak University of California Exposure to diverse views and polarization:
What can we learn from social science, data science,
and physics?
Shlomo Havlin Bar-Ilan University Applications of network science to socio-economic,
climate and infrastructure systems
Janusz Hołyst Warsaw University of Technology How to find spread source in complex networks?
Ladislav Kristoufek Charles University in Prague Bitcoin and its mining on the equilibrium path
Krzysztof Kułakowski AGH University of Science and Technology The Heider balance and the looking-glass self
Fabrizio Lillo Università di Bologna

Reconstruction of lead-lag (trading) networks via the Kinetic Ising Model

Rosario N. Mantegna Palermo University & Central European University Trading Networks in Financial Markets
Arkadiusz Orłowski Warsaw University of Life Sciences & Polish Academy of Sciences Applications of machine learning in complex systems
Mateusz Pipień Cracow University of Economics A family of non-standard bivariate
distributions with applications
to unconditional modelling
in empirical finance
Tobias Preis University of Warwick Sensing human behaviour with novel data sources
Sitabhra Sinha National Institute of Advanced Studies, Bangalore How representative is our democracy?
Relating wealth and electoral performance
in recent Indian general elections
Zbigniew Struzik Tokyo University Nothing
Katarzyna Sznajd-Weron Wrocław University of Technology Think then act or act then think?
Peter Richmond University of Dublin Unravelling mortality
Rafał Weron Wrocław University of Technology Recent advances in electricity price
forecasting: A 2019 perspective
Vygintas Gontis Vilnius University Non-extensive birth-death processes as an origin
of spurious long-range memory birth-death
processes as an origin of spurious long-range memory
Paweł Oświęcimka Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Physics, Kraków Agent-based modelling of stock market stylized facts
Konferencja współfinansowana na podstawie umowy nr 933/P-DUN/2019 z funduszy MNISW przeznaczonych na działalność upowszechniania nauki (DUN)